The Swiss Cultural Foundation for Audiovisual

The Swiss Cultural Foundation for Audiovision of SWISSPERFORM, together with Suissimage and the Société Suisse des Auteurs SSA, founded the Teleproduktions-Fonds GmbH (TPF) in 1996. The TPF grants interest-free loans for the development and production of television films. The contributions can only be granted to production companies that are independent of television broadcasters. Applications for production grants must therefore be sent directly to the TPF (; the Foundation itself does not directly support any specific television film projects.

On the other hand, the Swiss Audiovisual Arts Foundation supports projects by performers and producers or their professional associations that aim to improve the artistic, social or economic performance of these professional groups or support their political concerns.

Applications can be submitted online at any time to the Swiss Cultural Foundation for Audiovisual or to the President, Thomas Tribolet. Applications must include a brief description of the project as well as the budget and financing plan. The Foundation Board decides at a minimum of four meetings per year.

The Foundation Board consists of the following persons:

  • Thomas Tribolet, President
  • Charlotte Heinimann, Vice President
  • Elisabeth Graf, Member
  • Stefan Eichenberger, Member

Applications should be sent to:

Schweizerische Kulturstiftung für Audiovision
Kasernenstrasse 23
8004 Zurich