SUISA represents the copyrights of musicians and publishers throughout Switzerland. SUISA ensures that composers, scriptwriters and publishers receive copyright remunerations if the works are used publicly.
SWISSPERFORM cooperates with other Swiss collecting societies; they all represent the copyrights of authors and holders of neighbouring rights. Moreover, SWISSPERFORM is also a member of several international umbrella associations.
SUISA represents the copyrights of musicians and publishers throughout Switzerland. SUISA ensures that composers, scriptwriters and publishers receive copyright remunerations if the works are used publicly.
Suissimage represents the copyrights of film authors such as screenwriters and film directors as well as copyright owners such as film producers. They have the statutory mandate within the framework of collective management to ensure that these right holders receive appropriate remuneration.
In Switzerland and in the Principality of Liechtenstein Pro Litters is in charge of the collective management of certain rights (texts and images). They collect and distribute the remunerations. The distributions are related to printed works, works on the Internet and broadcasted works.
SSA is a cooperative society of authors in the dramatic, dramatico-musical, choreographic, audiovisual and multimedia sectors. It is the main task of SSA to collect the remuneration which becomes due each time its members’ works are used and to subsequently forward them to the rights owners.
SCAPR is the international umbrella organisation of collecting societies for the exploitation of performers' rights. In particular, it establishes practical and technical standards for the mutual exchange of membership and repertoire information.
AEPO-ARTIS is the political organisation of European collecting societies for performers' rights. It represents the interests of its members at the European authorities.
IFPI International is the world association of music labels (sound and audiovisual producers). The IFPI's tasks include monitoring the international music market, providing relevant data and analyses, and safeguarding rights in the recording industry.
Counselling, coaching, financial support for retraining /
Schweizerische Stiftung für die Umschulung von darstellenden Künstlerinnen und Künstlern (SSUDK)
c/o SzeneSchweiz
Kasernenstrasse 15
8004 Zurich
The purpose of TPF is to ensure the continuity of audiovisual creation as well as the support of cultural diversity and the innovation of audiovisual products. /
Teleproduktions-Fonds GmbH
Zinggstrasse 16
3007 Bern
The foundation provides pension solutions for freelance and self-employed artists in the film industry as well as for permanent employees of companies in the audiovisual sector. /
Vorsorgestiftung Film und Audiovision vfa
P.O. Box
8031 Zurich
CAST enables creative artists to build up a retirement provision and to take out a death and disability insurance. /
Charles Apothéloz Stiftung (CAST)
Kasernenstrasse 15
P.O. Box 1775
8021 Zurich
The foundation was established to offer an optimal occupational pension scheme for the cultural sector. /
Fondation de prévoyance Artes & Comoedia
c/o Swiss Life Pension Services SA
Avenue du Rumine 13
P.O. Box 1260
1001 Lausanne
The association manages a fund to support professional creative artists in social and economic emergencies. /
Suisseculture Sociale
Kasernenstrasse 23
8004 Zurich
The cultural foundation for audiovision supports projects from performers, producers or their professional associations. /
Thomas Tribolet
Kasernenstrasse 23
8004 Zurich
The objective of the foundation is the promotion of culture in the sector of production and use of sound recordings. /
Stiftung Phonoproduzierende
c/o Von Graffenried & Cie Recht
Zeughausgasse 18
3011 Bern
The foundation for radio and culture Switzerland sees itself as a supporter and introducer of radio-cultural works in all regions of the country. /
Stiftung für Radio und Kultur Schweiz
c/o Von Graffenried & Cie Recht
Zeughausgasse 18
3011 Bern
The Swiss Performing Artists Foundation (Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung – SIS) supports projects in the sector music, theatre and dance. /
Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung (SIS)
Kasernenstrasse 15
8004 Zurich
As the neighbouring rights are connected to the copyrights, SWISSPERFORM cooperates with the other Swiss collective management organisations, all of which represent authors’ rights. They are: SUISA, Suissimage, ProLitteris and Société Suisse des Auteurs (SSA).
The main areas of collaboration are as follows:
SUISA, Suissimage, ProLitteris and SSA manage authors’ rights (copyright). If a person contributes in different ways (e.g. as an author, a producer, a performer), he/she needs to become a member of all the relevant societies, as different societies manage different rights.
SWISSPERFORM also cooperates with several rights holders’ associations; it has for example, delegated the distribution for certain performers’ rights to Schweizerische Interpretengenossenschaft SIG.
SWISSPERFORM is a member of several international umbrella organisations:
For most rights managed by SWISSPERFORM, foreign right holders are also entitled to receive remuneration if their performances are used in Switzerland. Their entitlements and claims are, as far as possible, administered through bilateral agreements with foreign sister societies. Vice versa, SWISSPERFORM’s members are represented abroad based on bilateral agreements with foreign sister societies. The current list of reciprocity agreements concluded between SWISSPERFORM and sister societies can be viewed here.
In case that it is not possible to enter into such agreements, foreign right holders’ rights are managed on a mandate basis. The prerequisits for bilateral agreements and cooperation agreements with foreign sister societies as well as for individual rights administration agreements (mandates) are explained in more detail in our distribution rules.