SWISSPERFORM represents two groups of artists: performers of the audiovisual sector, such as actors, dancers, etc. and performers of the audio sectors, such as musicians, conductors, singers, etc.
How it works
Audiovisual performers, such as actors, dancers, musicians, narrators, etc., who contributed to productions used by the TV broadcasters, are entitled to remunerations from SWISSPERFORM.
Distribution to performers in feature and TV films
This distribution category includes actors who appeared in a feature or TV film or in a series that was broadcast in one of the national relevant TV programmes of the SRG.
Any relevant TV broadcasts are captured and evaluated by Suissimage.
You may provide us with details on your contribution by filling out the filmography form online.
Distribution for other audiovisual performances
This distribution category includes film musicians, performances by narrators and dubbers as well as concert broadcasts, theatre, cabaret, dance productions etc. The distribution is made by the Swiss Performers’ Cooperative Society SIG on behalf of SWISSPERFORM. Such usage has to be reported to SIG on an annual basis. Please use the respective forms to do so, you can download them from SIG’s website.
Please read our distribution information sheet and our distribution rules for further information on the distribution to performers.
Sending of filmographies – feature and TV films
31.01.2025- Filmographies must be received by SWISSPERFORM end of January at the latest. The ordinary settlement takes place two years after the year of broadcasting.
Sending broadcast reports to SIG – Other audiovisual performances
30.06.2025- End of June: The broadcast reports must be received by the Swiss Performers' Cooperative Society SIG on 30 June at the latest.
Annual main distribution – Other audiovisual performances
26.12.2025- End of December: The annual main distribution for the other audiovisual performances takes place at the end of each year.
Annual main (2023) and two supplementary (2018 and 2022) distributions – feature and TV films
by the end of 2025- The distribution and payment will take place by the end of 2025.
Do you have any questions? Please contact us.

Change of address
We need to obtain your recent postal address in case of a removal to make sure that our payoffs reach the receiver properly.
Legal Advice
SWISSPERFORM represents the interests of performers, producers and broadcasters which is why it is not in a position to provide legal advice services only tailored to performers. Hence this service has been outsourced.
The Swiss Performers’ Cooperative Society SIG offers legal advice for performers on behalf and at the expense of SWISSPERFORM. This free service applies primarily for queries concerning the following areas:
- exploitation and neighbouring rights
- audio and audiovisual recordings and their exploitation
- contract law, tax or social security related queries as well as questions concerning recordings of performances on audio and audiovisual carriers.
Queries related to other areas are forwarded by SIG to the respective associations. Here you can find more information (in german only) and rules about the distribution for performers (SIG).
Schweizerische Interpretengenossenschaft SIG
Kasernenstrasse 15
8004 Zurich
T +41 43 322 10 60
Coopérative suisse des artistes interprètes SIG
Avenue du Grammont 11bis
1007 Lausanne
T +41 32 724 31 25
Performers' Associations
Theaterschaffen Schweiz
Waisenhausplatz 30
Atelier 111
3011 Bern
T +41 31 312 80 08
SONART – Musikschaffende Schweiz
Konradstrasse 61
8005 Zurich
T +41 31 511 52 60
Schweizerischer Berufsdirigentinnen- und Berufsdirigenten-Verband SBDV
6000 Lucerne
Peter Aregger, president SBDV: T +41 79 439 17 37
Antenne romande
Schweizerische Interpretengenossenschaft SIG
Avenue du Grammont 11bis
1007 Lausanne
T +41 32 724 31 25
Schweizerischer Musikerverband (SMV)
Kasernenstrasse 15
8004 Zurich
T +41 43 322 05 22
Schweizer Syndikat Film und Video (SSFV)
Heinrichstrasse 147
8005 Zurich
T +41 44 272 21 49
Syndicat suisse romande du spectacle (SSRS)
P.O. Box 91
1000 Lausanne 16
T +41 76 588 29 63
Vereinigung professioneller Sprecherinnen und Sprecher (VPS)
P.O. Box
8031 Zurich
T +41 44 272 21 40
I’m already a member of SUISA, can I still become a member of SWISSPERFORM?
Yes, SWISSPERFORM manages your rights as a performing artist (musician, actor etc.). SUISA is responsible for your rights as an author (composer or lyricist/songwriter).
I am a musician and an actress, do I need to order two copies of the agreement?
No, for performers it is sufficient to sign one copy.
I was invited as a celeb to a talk show. Can I register this?
No. You appear as yourself; you don’t assume a role.
I was an extra in a film. Can I report this?
No. Extras do not count as an individually identifiable performance.
I have contributed to a film, however, my role was very small. Can I still register my contribution?
Yes. However, the parts are (except roles in series) weighted according to the number of shooting days. There are three different categories (A,B and C). Speaker performances, on the other hand, are weighted according to the number of takes.
I have contributed to a series (e.g. Tatort) but cannot remember the episode’s title. Do I have to know this?
Yes. We must be able to allocate your contribution to a specific episode, otherwise we are not able to distribute remuneration to you. The name of the series is only sufficient if your role appears in every episode.
FAQs CT 14 / Video on demand
How will the Video on Demand remuneration be implemented?
There is a new common tariff for this (CT 14).
The remuneration to be paid by the platforms (Netflix, Playsuisse, etc.) is calculated differently depending on the offer and business model, sometimes also by using a flat rate.
When does this tariff apply?
The CT 14 is valid starting January 2022.
In concrete terms, what does this mean?
From 2022, the platforms (Netflix, Playsuisse, etc.) will have to pay compensation to the collecting societies for offering audiovisual works on their streaming services. SWISSPERFORM forwards this money to the artists who have contributed to these works as actors or musicians. The film authors (directors, screenwriters) receive the remuneration from Suissimage, SSA and ProLitteris.
Why do the platforms only have to pay from 2022?
The Swiss Copyright Law was amended in 2020. Artists are now entitled to receive compensation from the streaming platforms, even if they have assigned their rights to the producers. Previously, this additional compensation claim did not exist. SWISSPERFORM and the collecting societies immediately began negotiating a tariff with the streaming platforms. This came into effect on 1.1.2022.
How much money will I receive?
This depends on the respective tariff income per year and the specific provisions in the distribution rules.
When will I receive my remuneration?
The first remuneration for 2022 can be expected in fall 2024 at the earliest. They will then be distributed together with the annual main distribution in summer 2025 at the latest. Thereafter, there will be an annual distribution.
How does SWISSPERFORM know in which production I have appeared in?
We register all your notifications about your contributions in our database. Please report missing contributions and updates directly online. This allows us to ensure that you receive your remuneration for all utilizations (including conventional television).
Audio performers, such as musicians, singers, conductors, speakers, etc., who contributed to productions that are used by radio and TV stations have a right to receive remuneration from SWISSPERFORM.
Distribution for commercially published sound recordings and music videos
This distribution is based on the actual usage (radio and television airplay) of commercially published sound recordings and music videos. In order to receive the correct share of the distribution, each member must provide SWISSPERFORM with their discography on time.
Recordings can be registered by using our discography form.
Distribution of music on audiovisual recordings
This kind of distribution is based on the usage of performances on the audio track of an audiovisual recording:
- Score music on the audio track on audiovisual recordings
- Commercially published sound recordings on audiovisual recordings
- Library music on audiovisual recordings
- Music in television commercials, signets
The distribution is run by the Swiss Performers’ Cooperative Society SIG on behalf of SWISSPERFORM. Such usage must be reported to SIG on an annual basis.
Please use the respective forms to do so, you can download them from SIG’s website.
Distribution of live performances and sound recordings that were not commercially published
This kind of distribution is based on the usage of concert broadcasts, radio plays, commercials etc. on the radio and is run by the Swiss Performers’ Cooperative Society SIG on behalf of SWISSPERFORM. Such usage must be reported to SIG on an annual basis. Please use the respective forms to do so, you can download them from SIG’s website.
Sending discographies to SWISSPERFORM – Annual main distribution 2024
30.06.2025Distribution for commercially published phonograms.
- Discographies must be received by SWISSPERFORM by 30 June 2025 at the latest.
Sending broadcast reports to SIG
30.06.2025Distribution of live perfomances and phonograms that were not commercially published.
- Concert broadcasts, own recordings for radio stations
- Voice-over and musical performances for radio plays
- Voice-over and musical performances in commercials, jingles and signete
TV (film music)
- Music (score music, library music, commercial soundtracks) on the soundtrack of audiovisual productions
- Music in TV commercials, signets
TV (Other performances)
- Concert broadcasts, theatre, cabaret and dance productions
- Artistic performances in TV shows or similar formats
- Dance and acting performances in video clips
- Voice actors, dubbing actors in documentaries or features with documentary character, animated films
- Actors, voice actors and dubbing actors in commercials, signets
Broadcast reportings must reach the Swiss Performers' Cooperative Society SIG no later than 30 June 2025.
Annual main distribution of music on audiovisual recordings
26.12.2025- The Annual main and supplementary distribution will take place by the end of December.
Annual supplementary distribution – Distribution commercially published phonograms
by the end of 2025- The distribution and payment will take place by the end of 2025. It is currently still to be determined for which usage years the supplementary distribution will take place in 2025.
Annual main distribution 2024 for commercially published phonograms
by the end of 2025- The settlement for the annual main distribution for the usage of rights in 2024 including transfers from abroad and payment will take place by the end of 2025.
Do you have any questions? Please contact us.

Extension of the term of protection in the Principality of Liechtenstein
Accompanying measures
The term of protection for owners or neighbouring rights on musical compositions with lyrics was extended on 01 September 2014 from 50 to 70 years in the Principality of Liechtenstein (FL). On 1 April 2020, the same adaptation also came into force in the Swiss Copyright Act.
In line with the extension of the protection term, some accompanying measures were put in place. They only apply in relation to the Principality of Liechtenstein.
«use it or lose it» – clause (Art. 37 para. 5 CopA -FL)
Should a producer of sound recordings not provide a recording in the form of a media carrier or download 50 years after the legitimate publication (and/or legitimate public performance) of the sound recording, the performing artists shall have the option to terminate their contract with the producer. A prerequisite for the validity of such a termination is that the producer does not execute one of the two requested ways of exploitation (publication of a sound recording or online-publication) within a year of the artist giving him notice of termination.
In order to establish this claim, performing artists must get in touch with their producer of sound recordings directly!
«clean slate» – clause (Art. 41a para. 5 CopA -FL)
Performing artists who had an agreement with the producer of sound recordings on recurring payments (usually a share per sound recording sold) should be given the opportunity to have a fresh start in the year after the 50th year following the legitimate publication (and/or public performance) of the sound recording. In other words: producers of sound recordings must pay the remuneration they owe to the performing artist until the extended term of protection expires without any previously agreed deductions or advance payments.
In order to establish this claim, performing artists must get in touch with their producer of sound recordings directly!
Additional annual remuneration (Art. 41a para. 1-4 CopA-FL)
Performing artists who were remunerated for the contribution to a sound recording with a one-off lump sum shall – following the 50th year of the legitimate publication and/or legitimate public performance of the sound recording – be entitled to receive an additional (annual) remuneration until the extended term of protection expires.
In order to establish this claim, performing artists must get in touch with SWISSPERFORM!
The following prerequisites must be fulfilled in their entirety in order to qualify for such an entitlement:
- The recording must have been legitimately published and/or publicly performed after 01 January 1964, but at least 50 years ago, and it is still available on commercially released sound recordings or online.
- The recording has a unique relation to Liechtenstein (e.g. producer of the sound recording has a claim on payments due to usages in Liechtenstein).
- You have contributed to the recording as a performing artist.
- Your contribution as an artist has been remunerated with a one-off lump sum (i.e. no recurring payments e.g. for each sound recording sold).
If all of the above requirements are fulfilled, please contact us and provide us with the following details:
- Information on the performing artist(s) involved
- Title register of the recording(s) in question
- Information on the sound recording (producer, catalogue number etc.) and/or the online publication
- Copy of the contract between the performing artist and the producer of sound recordings
Change of address
We need to obtain your recent postal address in case of a removal to make sure that our payoffs reach the receiver properly.
Legal advice
SWISSPERFORM represents the interests of performers, producers and broadcasters which is why it is not in a position to provide legal advice services only tailored to performers. Hence this service has been outsourced.
The Swiss Performers’ Cooperative Society SIG offers legal advice for performers on behalf and at the expense of SWISSPERFORM. This free service applies primarily for queries concerning the following areas:
- exploitation and neighbouring rights
- audio and audiovisual recordings and their exploitation
- contract law, tax or social security related queries as well as questions concerning recordings of performances on audio and audiovisual carriers.
Queries related to other areas are forwarded by SIG to the respective associations. Here you can find more information (in german only) and rules about the distribution for performers (SIG).
Schweizerische Interpretengenossenschaft SIG
Kasernenstrasse 15
8004 Zurich
T +41 43 322 10 60
Coopérative suisse des artistes interprètes SIG
Avenue du Grammont 11bis
1007 Lausanne
T +41 32 724 31 25
Performers' Associations
Theaterschaffen Schweiz
Waisenhausplatz 30
Atelier 111
3011 Bern
T +41 31 312 80 08
SONART – Musikschaffende Schweiz
Konradstrasse 61
8005 Zurich
T +41 31 511 52 60
Schweizerischer Berufsdirigentinnen- und Berufsdirigenten-Verband SBDV
6000 Lucerne
Peter Aregger, president SBDV: T +41 79 439 17 37
Antenne romande
Schweizerische Interpretengenossenschaft SIG
Avenue du Grammont 11bis
1007 Lausanne
T +41 32 724 31 25
Schweizerischer Musikerverband (SMV)
Kasernenstrasse 15
8004 Zurich
T +41 43 322 05 22
Schweizer Syndikat Film und Video (SSFV)
Heinrichstrasse 147
8005 Zurich
T +41 44 272 21 49
Syndicat suisse romande du spectacle (SSRS)
P.O. Box 91
1000 Lausanne 16
T +41 76 588 29 63
Vereinigung professioneller Sprecherinnen und Sprecher (VPS)
P.O. Box
8031 Zurich
T +41 44 272 21 40
How long is my artistic contribution to a performance protected?
The term of protection usually starts with the publication of the audio or audiovisual recording and lasts 70 years. (Art. 39 para. 2 CopA).
How long can I claim my remuneration?
All claims of right holders against SWISSPERFORM lapse after a period of five years after the main distribution has been run; however at the latest by 31 December of the sixth year following the respective usage (cf. item 1.5.7 distribution rules).
Do I have to become a member of Schweizerische Interpretengenossenschaft in order to participate in their distribution?
It is sufficient for you to become a member of SWISSPERFORM. The Schweizerische Interpretengenossenschaft SIG runs the distribution on behalf of SWISSPERFORM. As a consequence, it is only necessary for you to be a member of SWISSPERFORM.
Can I register my entire band?
Each musician usually has to register individually with SWISSPERFORM. However, for large music formations with a low repertoire exploitation, we have established a simplified pay-out system.
Please contact our member services department for further information.
T +41 44 269 70 50 /
I’m already a member of SUISA, can I still become a member of SWISSPERFORM?
Yes, SWISSPERFORM manages your rights as a performing artist (musician, actor etc.). SUISA is responsible for your rights as an author (composer or lyricist/songwriter).
I am a musician and producer of sound recordings, do I need to order two copies of the agreement?
Yes, if you are a musician you are only a member as a performer. You need to register separately as a producer.
Please note that here we are talking about your quality as an economic producer. As an artistic producer, again, the performer contract is sufficient.
I am a musician and an actress, do I need to order two copies of the agreement?
No, if you are a performer, it is sufficient to sign the agreement once.